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[java电子书] Hibernate实战(第2版英文版) PDF 电子书 百度云 网盘下载

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    java自学网(论坛,java电子书推荐:《 Hibernate实战(第2版英文版)》
    8 X' z4 t. d- Q) xjava电子书推荐理由:本书全面讲述了Hibernate和Java Persistence,并对两者进行了详细的对比分析。书中通过一个应用将数百个例子融合起来,不仅深入剖析了Hibernate 3.2和Java Persistence 丰富的编程模型,还深刻阐述了数据库设计、对象/关系映射(ORM)和优化等方面的基本原则、策略和*实践。书中处处闪烁着作者超凡的真知灼见,将大大升华读者对ORM乃至企业级应用开发的理解。
    * |" `7 S6 M& z6 I0 K  本书适合广大的开发人员,从ORM的初学者到经验丰富的开发人员。1 r: O# T* v6 y, A! `  G
    , L( |/ a- {/ ]5 e+ K4 d
    , b1 c* D3 y' U6 W; g; e5 ^出版社:人民邮电出版社
    0 R) v4 X1 L( Q/ z. s出版时间:2007-06-01
    9 h' _  j% l4 S8 a% [$ k/ O; F8 m书籍价格:70.30元
    0 Q: g( n0 ~4 O) }) W% |! _1 o7 b  G  M' i8 W/ v
    , {- v  g2 Q! [9 j& W" t) k

    6 ^) ^1 C$ A  t/ j* E# o# N- q
    / v- y7 g' `( W
    java电子书目录:, |8 p- x/ b7 t- s2 ~
    Part1 Getting started with Hibernate and EJB 3.0 9 G$ q/ F* s$ p: g- B! H6 x
    1 Understanding object/relational persistence ' I) A" v% ]; o, X- L: \- b) |
    1.1 What is persistence?7 e0 i8 j$ v( G' |8 m' G
     Relational databases 
    ) [7 d2 ]5 p- Z% _$ b+ S) c Understanding SQL 
    ) ~& U0 W/ U( q( ]  o Using SQL in Java 
    ' o, `6 X! P1 {" `% N3 Y0 d Persistence in object-oriented applications, y- O5 i) E8 y' Z/ Z7 t1 x
    1.2 The paradigm mismatch 0 \! _4 [; U% O/ a  N7 K
     The problem of granularity 
    4 N8 w3 }6 G$ z$ H; G The problem of subtypes ) t7 n, Z" z+ B6 l
     The problem of identity 
    . X3 u4 Y1 e8 l9 x& c4 E( @/ m) o Problems relating to associations
    4 _! a% R' u( g& u+ }  h& J  s The problem of data navigation 
    3 Z1 E0 w8 i/ a  The cost of the mismatch * ~; D9 ?) f, S
    1.3 Persistence layers and alternatives
    . z6 a5 I1 A0 Q) f6 g! ~9 m9 B Layered architecture
    ; y: n+ i4 U- [" B: \2 A Hand-coding a persistence layer with SQL/JDBC ) D4 G9 u6 |0 x2 u" n
     Using serialization - r  ]1 J* p8 Z9 Z
     Object-oriented database systems / s& y3 J5 ~- L( m$ P0 S! q+ B
     Other options 
    # y! r9 V7 D, d) i$ l' V7 B1.4 Object/relational mapping + ~) C' ?# S- F5 n
     What is ORM? 6 |8 G+ j, Y( Y( z4 j* G
     Generic ORM problems 
    ! G" h% [+ b2 }/ f% n  t Why ORM? ' n6 W# N* x  B# h) t- o; t
     Introducing Hibernate, EJB3, and JPA 1 n( Q( X! E& G5 z8 G. |9 q
    1.5 Summary 
      g7 \( o# A& e- ~2 w% e2 m+ f2 Starting a project " x7 U  x: n! f8 A* @
    2.1 Starting a Hibernate project 
    ( x6 w, P: W% p/ p- @: u Selecting a development process ' n+ _) ]4 m6 P0 |! n% \, T: v
     Setting up the project % P. D$ I( D2 l5 o/ q3 `2 E, ~
     Hibernate configuration and startup 
    , m: M2 F6 P; R7 [4 t Running and testing the application
    * @3 ]/ W& P7 J: \" r/ p2.2 Starting a Java Persistence project
    / [* v, U" u% Z6 v  e6 m3 N$ ? Using Hibernate Annotations" ?% z6 x7 j* l
     Using Hibernate EntityManager * P7 }1 d$ _' Z) f; Z, c& h6 T
     Introducing EJB components 
    : W+ p+ m* w9 E0 T3 U5 ?* ]3 e Switching to Hibernate interfaces , }* g$ g4 |3 J! z* U5 g3 N1 P) v
    2.3 Reverse engineering a legacy database" ?! ]& v- w5 v; Q
     Creating a database configuration
    ' N! W" [1 t9 J& I2 C  s1 B Customizing reverse engineering+ V( ^  W3 S% H2 |
     Generating Java source code ! y# B  @' _0 z7 u$ Y: W
    2.4 Integration with Java EE services
    % }1 @0 E+ }8 r, T9 e Integration with JTA ! M# \( x, M2 T. G0 b" R4 x" l) }* x- \0 X
     JNDI-bound SessionFactory : b4 v: z3 E1 I' M
     JMX service deployment 
    7 [1 v8 w4 A- |* q' C2.5 Summary ' X3 J$ C( |1 Z  R
    3 Domain models and metadata 
    + ]& r8 l8 q' ~% r5 k3 k3.1 The CaveatEmptor application # t# a. V7 r5 M. I$ j0 k0 D0 M
     Analyzing the business domain 
    5 m: M6 B4 y% }2 p The CaveatEmptor domain model 
    1 p9 F7 n9 y# x& t3.2 Implementing the domain model" `( h2 c4 o4 y/ K0 X7 g
     Addressing leakage of concerns 
    . Z2 Q7 t$ w  o+ h9 ~% l5 L! w2 X; \ Transparent and automated persistence
    2 @. V" n& u! U3 g2 U7 m: ] Writing POJOs and persistent entity classes % K( \9 n6 }( ]( S: w# |2 k. X2 d- T
     Implementing POJO associations 
    . Q$ J( C4 y' k# W7 u3 Z Adding logic to accessor methods 
    ! P, f) @4 E5 F3.3 Object/relational mapping metadata 
    4 q8 S8 a! @: t8 S0 v1 U Metadata in XML 
    ) t, L7 Q% B9 p, ~) A Annotation-based metadata / j/ x0 B$ ?5 R& v6 g$ \; l5 N2 t. _
     Using XDoclet / i) O  i  Z5 {% ^
     Handling global metadata 
    ! y2 _+ U4 u  X" Y) Z) }( ^2 I Manipulating metadata at runtime 
    3 k+ H* }. P9 J! h! h4 ?3.4 Alternative entity representation
    8 |) X2 X" f/ | Creating dynamic applications 6 P, `# y/ i2 \, G
     Representing data in XML 2 B) o; h. F) h% P  A+ M
    3.5 Summary 
    " D. ~% L8 L" ~7 [% H& HPart 2 Mapping concepts and strategies , {0 l$ D7 Z& H2 X& n
    4 Mapping persistent classes # {( o3 d! m, b( g: k, a8 b
    4.1 Understanding entities and value types1 Z5 |9 ?$ o4 y/ q6 J- z. g' k/ ?) q0 d+ j
     Fine-grained domain models 
    2 B+ F$ A0 [( X9 n4 J Defining the concept 
    2 a2 H$ X: s" H$ h0 y Identifying entities and value types 
      j  Q9 R; d# t0 M+ k! F4.2 Mapping entities with identity 
    ( |0 ]% K( D; ]+ \6 y Understanding Java identity and equality 
    . t/ p+ l6 i& o. U& f Handling database identity   }9 m$ |9 u* p$ X1 z; S. j2 q  P
     Database primary keys 5 Z( s6 d. l8 k8 o$ N! p! O4 z
    4.3 Class mapping options . P, @4 ]2 A% |( x7 x" G
     Dynamic SQL generation6 S1 i' u$ @, @. z! C
     Making an entity immutable 
    7 N" M: H" y2 e. v# S Naming entities for querying $ O) D- H, J, c6 u$ q; _0 t, d3 e  u- l
     Declaring a package name 1 q; ], q: R; j; y2 t) y- K3 F
     Quoting SQL identifiers 4 u: l! Z+ B$ ?
     Implementing naming conventions 
    ' N2 g' Y3 j+ o7 M4 R6 l! h4.4 Fine-grained models and mappings! ]. t7 ]- N5 @* `
     Mapping basic properties 
    0 P. g* r9 c7 Y' I, [ Mapping components
      j4 K. p9 m% Z; s7 b# R7 h4.5 Summary- `: K0 t  [5 E* s! ^: u  e( B
    5 Inheritance and custom types & w/ l' v+ J2 a9 S  B
    5.1 Mapping class inheritance
    6 U9 X' {  P  l" C, w  l# F Table per concrete class with implicit polymorphism  T' J( S8 V, h- Y
     Table per concrete class with unions, L% {  N- Q# Y8 J
     Table per class hierarchy 
    ! Q# t# V2 {) {0 _% W% E Table per subclass: h5 Z2 R0 {+ ?( A
     Mixing inheritance strategies 
    " K, N" z  B9 l0 F7 j4 q Choosing a strategy - k. a* w2 _( t8 _  s" S: r$ x
    5.2 The Hibernate type system
    + W& v9 g/ H' ~/ t+ f& R Recapitulating entity and value types ) }& X$ d1 u' J* L9 A  H3 O
     Built-in mapping types 5 m6 a- L. T5 b$ g8 w$ s5 m$ a
     Using mapping types 
    $ l$ W8 m. l, f5 t5.3 Creating custom mapping types ' J0 q; C& w* i) u
     Considering custom mapping types . [5 J3 q, q: o
     The extension points- P% a5 |& ?% A1 x9 M
     The case for custom mapping types 
    3 t( D* k# X/ `( l+ ] Creating a UserType
    8 Y% C. t5 L1 Y, e6 K! V$ M) Q) W% e Creating a CompositeUserType3 y; I7 y. x  n0 `' k+ J
     Parameterizing custom types & ]( K$ G" v& K) q4 U& }% V
     Mapping enumerations
    2 b) a4 K3 u/ |0 N& X2 v% a5 v5.4 Summary
    ' c$ Q- N1 S/ M6 o% ~: k1 P4 f6 Mapping collections and entity associations ! S+ I( B1 s, X6 D2 d
    6.1 Sets, bags, lists, and maps of value types 
    : W" B! e7 @$ X/ W8 z( @3 R Selecting a collection interface
    + }) h+ ?6 B3 p, ?$ l Mapping a set 
    : q- z% p& j) }: E* [  a  x Mapping an identifier bag
    ! k3 ~; M6 F4 B( ]/ T6 Z Mapping a list * w& L/ B$ I4 l0 k  i
     Mapping a map 7 W, q8 n, a3 ?. l( n# Y
     Sorted and ordered collections * m) n% D2 A/ m! g
    6.2 Collections of components + |7 ]; l9 }+ {5 l( |# W, Z6 L
     Writing the component class 
    3 W7 N' m' z1 m' H Mapping the collection % F- `+ g+ n* l3 f7 \
     Enabling bidirectional navigation  y/ U6 m* \( a2 h( [/ S
     Avoiding not-null columns* d# W5 w0 A# {9 T" z) X
    6.3 Mapping collections with annotations ; g  m1 l- {9 h# N! [
     Basic collection mapping # i7 ^2 u7 N6 h, ^
     Sorted and ordered collections
    ) C  h) n# N6 A3 M) ` Mapping a collection of embedded objects
    ; {' P+ T* |% }5 [6.4 Mapping a parent/children relationship 
    ! \! A! t% _8 X2 V Multiplicity ) _( {9 F* G! Z5 _' ~& v7 Q
     The simplest possible association & |" q, d3 ?% x4 S, k9 x% `
     Making the association bidirectional 
    . D2 H7 m; e! p Cascading object state 
    * v2 A" g2 v8 N! B3 Q6.5 Summary 
    7 B* R( l) Y; M9 C7 Advanced entity association mappings! ~6 }/ `( _0 a2 f- m0 D1 V. y
    7.1 Single-valued entity associations% e' K4 P- i3 [, L3 E# j; G! S
     Shared primary key associations 
    # y1 z; R! R% u7 a, o# Z One-to-one foreign key associations ) R5 R* H! [$ M4 E8 g
     Mapping with a join table 
    7 w, s* R) w! P9 F2 Y3 I; n8 A7.2 Many-valued entity associations 
    ' S7 D  E3 c' m  Z" S% ?3 n One-to-many associations , h% Q9 E( Y; C; Q/ W
     Many-to-many associations % y! b' W9 P% b9 T
     Adding columns to join tables
    * B; Q# B5 [; h# \3 N* I3 T) ^ Mapping maps 
    9 X$ r# E; Z6 A3 o- |/ A# O7.3 Polymorphic associations 
    1 Z4 z/ X' }2 r" [- \ Polymorphic many-to-one associations 
    5 F$ J! m1 G% T  L7 n1 S3 q Polymorphic collections 
    : j6 x; i5 X/ k' h) j Polymorphic associations to unions
    5 g/ K: `! Y1 A3 q3 D4 G: n4 Q Polymorphic table per concrete class3 j2 ~& g) U5 r  J. b% ]
    7.4 Summary
    $ e3 j$ ]5 Z$ v/ H8 Legacy databases and custom SQL 
    2 B% c; F* p! w5 C9 G# t1 j9 v8.1 Integrating legacy databases
    ) D0 H2 u) i0 ~* ^0 {5 q Handling primary keys ! X! [, [  G$ U# R
     Arbitrary join conditions with formulas
    & _; C- W3 c' L Joining arbitrary tables 
    8 R+ x5 x0 Q- [6 B* O1 Q Working with triggers 9 K9 ~- s; {. n( `
    8.2 Customizing SQL 
    ( \5 ?* j: Y0 e/ g5 D+ [, x$ U% b7 H* e Writing custom CRUD statements # G/ ~/ M8 ?& w5 R" ~) I- v; |& {
     Integrating stored procedures and functions
    ) e, K' Z: d" i0 a8.3 Improving schema DDL 
    * O( x) E$ I. `, J  I8 Y: N# G Custom SQL names and datatypes
    2 e9 H5 Z$ h1 }! O& U5 | Ensuring data consistency
    : i  g! u. Z; k/ ?& y$ Z3 d( i Adding domains and column constraints 2 }3 c; m; |% e4 p( V% |
     Table-level constraints ) G: t; }8 n7 {% ], X9 B2 `! s* i( V8 F
     Database constraints
    $ S' I" a/ \6 u7 @1 J Creating indexes 
    % b, ]  j1 K& h% L9 p/ Q Adding auxiliary DDL 
      `2 D0 J$ L1 f) F$ b5 `8.4 Summary 
    ' j9 y' T% c. F: ^' fPart 3 Conversational object processing
    " g$ I0 `. O+ U) s: n2 f0 y9 Working with objects 5 o- j0 x" @  b6 d
    9.1 The persistence lifecycle ) p+ ~, e3 d% d  P! s) y) o2 w
     Object states( M5 l: K3 Z3 _; R( _! P
     The persistence context
    ' A7 W  ~. ?8 i- Z: f* a9.2 Object identity and equality 4 I8 q  [* R+ N; A) R# S) Y
     Introducing conversations 
    & N( X3 R% ^+ Y  Y The scope of object identity 
    0 n, V/ ^5 Z# \+ [ The identity of detached objects 
    $ R3 a+ f# A+ F0 ]: I  s' M$ j Extending a persistence context 6 X5 w1 N8 c9 l( u
    9.3 The Hibernate interfaces
    3 ]$ j$ E( [* X0 a Storing and loading objects ' h/ O+ V& D7 e" s7 k3 o1 s/ W% T' D. i9 I
     Working with detached objects
    . h$ H% b% v7 j  M% J' u Managing the persistence context) U, V, R& e8 w$ `" G' [% m& ]
    9.4 The Java Persistence API 
    2 W/ y' F8 x* V Storing and loading objects 1 W" j) s1 y, g0 ]' n& c  v: {4 u
     Working with detached entity instances . `' N; D3 d& M  _3 z
    9.5 Using Java Persistence in EJB components; D9 f) X* q$ ~. ^+ E# @
     Injecting an EntityManager ) h8 q5 _; v2 g0 l
     Looking up an EntityManager 
    % }8 t* s- s$ X! b Accessing an EntityManagerFactory 
    2 k. v' d( W7 w) S% z9.6 Summary 6 b6 _! o& @( F8 c; T, X- p; c! c9 {
    10 Transactions and concurrency 6 k# j! d6 X$ Q4 z& V
    10.1 Transaction essentials 
    " b7 q4 u) I% X$ ] Database and system transactions
    8 U4 e5 K+ J, f% N" |& q2 e% E Transactions in a Hibernate application
    2 {$ n* y. Y9 V: a Transactions with Java Persistence 
    5 j0 p$ @  j3 \4 h10.2 Controlling concurrent access4 {2 c9 {/ p  o) G
     Understanding database-level concurrency3 m2 z2 _, G. l+ \. L' \" g
     Optimistic concurrency control $ q1 B7 `+ h: p$ `: p* {3 _
     Obtaining additional isolation guarantees7 }9 d) z( M' z$ c. |+ W; w7 L& M
    10.3 Nontransactional data access 
    ) G8 x6 q& R! L% j  `! L. l4 c- Q7 v Debunking autocommit myths 
    ! E7 S* N8 d! b1 V7 i Working nontransactionally with Hibernate
    + w! a1 a  ]$ P- g7 T3 k% r2 `* l: v Optional transactions with JTA * M1 G: X' q0 `3 x% \& ^+ S  E
    10.4 Summary 
    ; O* Z' C  y0 h11 Implementing conversations 
    ' e: F) B" ~$ f11.1 Propagating the Hibernate Session, v7 A( }' D: t
     The use case for Session propagation
    8 g. _0 X6 `5 M Propagation through thread-local
    & c) T7 x& J* W4 c Propagation with JTA 
    4 o& h9 u9 L/ N2 I( k0 Z Propagation with EJBs 
    ) ?; p$ _) B; _1 K11.2 Conversations with Hibernate 
    6 C5 `* j( P7 q8 h Providing conversational guarantees ; m7 k! F/ S; _% q
     Conversations with detached objects ; P3 u) d, {/ X" B5 _
     Extending a Session for a conversation 
    * h$ {- F. p! L9 [% Q+ x. o4 H11.3 Conversations with JPA 
    + M. G( c3 X# d' H* k, Z" C3 F Persistence context propagation in Java SE " E4 g0 B$ \2 L* T3 E# j% y2 N" @4 ~
     Merging detached objects in conversations 9 z2 |$ ^5 f3 k1 Y/ f
     Extending the persistence context in Java SE " m; c! S1 h) ~7 @
    11.4 Conversations with EJB 3.0 
    , t; P/ _7 r# V+ Q& d5 n# K; |6 v Context propagation with EJBs % D' A7 s0 n4 p2 l3 P: G
     Extended persistence contexts with EJBs 
    : r( f9 ]- `7 R8 d+ j, o8 g7 @11.5 Summary 
    6 M3 o$ q( L/ g  u  ^1 Q$ x12 Modifying objects efficiently , m, k3 g. T% Z3 H
    12.1 Transitive persistence " _9 q9 ]! z- {/ B% a1 e. x! {
    Persistence by reachability % h& @6 @% ?5 e6 u0 m
     Applying cascading to associations 
    8 s- `$ {+ N/ U/ o Working with transitive state $ t$ y) L0 B5 c. v: D
     Transitive associations with JPA $ d: P' @  R* \" [
    12.2 Bulk and batch operations # d' ^- ]2 i" L& b8 J
     Bulk statements with HQL and JPA QL 
    8 E: x1 }+ c% G* m Processing with batches 
    / k, P& U' z7 q% I! [ Using a stateless Session ; O' F" r' k- c
    12.3 Data filtering and interception
    ; N0 w3 q  p+ L, i$ Z Dynamic data filters
    ) t. F. R! e4 ^ Intercepting Hibernate events
    5 g6 f+ s  C/ l+ p The core event system $ R' i. L+ v6 X' d  U4 @, t. R
     Entity listeners and callbacks
    ( B1 A* ^+ Y5 E# r  s12.4 Summary 
    * W( C0 R( w* A4 U6 u13 Optimizing fetching and caching 4 ^+ T$ w; d( m  v
    13.1 Defining the global fetch plan 
    ; H0 F: [/ a" z# U The object-retrieval options 8 \* i# u* Z; Y5 n
     The lazy default fetch plan 
    " W0 E/ X. {! o' c6 z/ z! l Understanding proxies 
    ! }: h2 P" V2 Y+ t Disabling proxy generation / m2 F; y; q- D+ |1 ^
     Eager loading of associations and collections 
    5 \- k4 r5 W) R) h3 I Lazy loading with interception 6 Z6 j! X9 _/ X9 \$ N" g
    13.2 Selecting a fetch strategy 
    : H% }9 x. m" e! K- Z Prefetching data in batches 
    ' A: p# u4 g6 F) k Prefetching collections with subselects* ?8 i7 O6 Y' y7 }; }6 a
     Eager fetching with joins 4 [7 n0 U5 m2 m& a1 {& X
     Optimizing fetching for secondary tables2 q3 c* a2 e1 z
     Optimization guidelines / u5 g; k- y7 \' M
    13.3 Caching fundamentals 
    - j- N) b! g: P6 h6 b+ @0 I Caching strategies and scopes 
    / g" _& u* N  w) D6 H The Hibernate cache architecture & t7 m1 Y+ e4 i$ w0 W6 \# L; ?
    13.4 Caching in practice * U5 ?0 t$ b, R
     Selecting a concurrency control strategy 
    1 D  Q. g5 [+ V- S" A% m& D; h* H Understanding cache regions , [$ n3 J6 m7 m+ z  W6 h. n6 U3 U
     Setting up a local cache provider; {5 @: h9 z" o2 e: q: h8 C- Z
     Setting up a replicated cache / M0 ?! d5 X3 r* O" N5 K3 v6 {! @
     Controlling the second-level cache 2 f6 u! g+ [+ t6 D
    13.5 Summary  H. ^  V# v9 |5 R+ |2 F; {- T
    14 Querying with HQL and JPA QL 
    . N  w9 G# S' O14.1 Creating and running queries # O4 k4 x7 k' s* m( G* l
     Preparing a query! N3 ?! W: [9 |+ B3 r, o
     Executing a query  U2 K4 ?8 u( N9 G8 ]
     Using named queries
    ( n  m6 }) \1 [4 c1 o14.2 Basic HQL and JPA QL queries
    : l5 u0 {1 p0 r& t Selection - m; ?  j0 g) r" G; Y  ~
    . i0 G8 f3 I( a8 V Projection
    + S+ w. |7 a0 A5 W1 y. v- m14.3 Joins, reporting queries, and subselects 
    3 g9 G1 p6 x5 n% Y5 n5 A* T4 g7 N& D Joining relations and associations 
    " Z5 |) Z( `' A+ F* I* ]6 L6 b Reporting queries 
    ! y* E: e& G# q3 w! k$ u Using subselects 
    $ y6 X7 ~  V  b14.4 Summary 
    6 y6 H  \, s8 ?1 Z, C( ~" y15 Advanced query options 
    $ V! G! K, _+ ?15.1 Querying with criteria and example , P6 m+ m$ N! y6 Q+ _) G  a3 G6 T2 @6 h' e
     Basic criteria queries 
    1 O, P& U  X9 M4 b" C Joins and dynamic fetching: D$ n8 m4 ]- `8 N5 L' J
     Projection and report queries 
    8 O: u8 g; \3 k) S( F Query by example - T! F# \# A9 s9 x# T
    15.2 Using native SQL queries. A$ T5 L. x5 r9 `$ H9 r
     Automatic resultset handling 
    7 _3 s% j9 Q& `2 N' g& r  X Retrieving scalar values 
    : t0 F5 A8 _% Y: I* [ Native SQL in Java Persistence( d' ?# t; P; [5 h. B7 a
    15.3 Filtering collections / m8 n  ~: B( \" T, ?& s1 |
    15.4 Caching query results # n4 H; V0 Z$ T
     Enabling the query result cache" ^* i; t/ j" g, y
     Understanding the query cache0 s3 z9 G9 h; K. e$ \$ |  h
     When to use the query cache + }3 X4 {5 u8 w7 G
     Natural identifier cache lookups' c3 \; w6 J! _+ |# D' }
    15.5 Summary 
    & G) G7 J% o' ]5 w' z4 l16 Creating and testing layered applications
    , o& `/ i: l: ?( v& b( o9 f16.1 Hibernate in a web application 
    0 F# t" S% S2 M) [. `% [0 p7 o+ D Introducing the use case 
    8 q( P( C7 A# ~" u+ [: ? Writing a controller   `8 `# r* @1 Q! m- m
     The Open Session in View pattern) {3 i; p  q+ t  u
     Designing smart domain models % p% H& h6 u1 Y$ r! B+ n+ f
    16.2 Creating a persistence layer 1 W7 X1 z1 l4 l( B& Y4 J4 {
     A generic data-access object pattern 2 Z) G2 _, I4 s" E0 D( l+ L) m" k
     Implementing the generic CRUD interface1 |7 r6 R! a# v4 s/ x3 `
     Implementing entity DAOs 
    0 r( Z* b9 m! C6 |+ x Using data-access objects " u9 Q0 D9 F: k7 S' d2 f
    16.3 Introducing the Command pattern ) _$ d/ ^' y5 h% t# B, H! }
     The basic interfaces" Z- Q; b2 M# h2 @0 p7 R9 U
     Executing command objects4 S! ^4 z# @3 L, @4 ]8 M
     Variations of the Command pattern : `. H/ K% u# }2 ]5 j
    16.4 Designing applications with EJB 3.0
    ; G1 i, q$ c3 r: P Implementing a conversation with stateful beans ( ~$ D2 n- d/ e" I8 D: G# K9 g
     Writing DAOs with EJBs 
    6 a2 g' N) ]/ R' I Utilizing dependency injection 
    % e  L0 G1 M$ D* E- Q: Q16.5 Testing 1 _! l. K. I8 f) f5 [5 o( G) }
     Understanding different kinds of tests
    8 Q- [: r1 ^4 ~+ J" g! S; M) f& ] Introducing TestNG - \+ s: U# n5 o9 i) E
     Testing the persistence layer 
    5 o  @5 n8 s5 n" W& q/ n* Y( q9 b Considering performance benchmarks 
    3 r; F* o: b) l3 O+ b- N16.6 Summary & H3 K! g& t7 n4 x' p1 U
    17 Introducing JBoss Seam : I& Q6 n$ Q# p% d- c3 h
    17.1 The Java EE 5.0 programming model
    : ~! v4 P. v; S+ k4 B6 \ Considering JavaServer Faces$ t$ D- D9 I0 O$ k4 W
     Considering EJB 3.0( O6 A# k4 h( L7 J) K
     Writing a web application with JSF and EJB 3.0
    & e% L# I0 T" d2 f3 \ Analyzing the application, }0 b% a  D  q: c8 u* o
    17.2 Improving the application with Seam 
    . K2 L, J! I$ [3 o9 K) u/ G4 X* N- H3 h Configuring Seam 
    6 C9 I0 Z) d. |: x8 k; s Binding pages to stateful Seam components' y2 R! A3 @; w9 r6 V
     Analyzing the Seam application 
    # o  |  x, y( [& u2 ?4 z$ K! g, W17.3 Understanding contextual components $ n# B5 g2 x1 F( b) }! L% N- i/ i  r
     Writing the login page& p; D& v! w: }8 B  k. Q0 X- h( Y
     Creating the components 
    / G1 t+ B! H! Q" ~ Aliasing contextual variables * Q; S2 t6 e! s
     Completing the login/logout feature 
    ! F7 l2 q  N7 z17.4 Validating user input 0 r, c+ G# d8 X1 o) @
     Introducing Hibernate Validator- A3 H3 M, W9 d  ^' e9 ~' r
     Creating the registration page 
    6 C- d/ M! k- O5 {- ] Internationalization with Seam 
    " _2 k: m1 k2 h17.5 Simplifying persistence with Seam 
    * u: J3 x* B6 p; Q) ^ Implementing a conversation . m5 b% g9 s# k( B' k9 r
     Letting Seam manage the persistence context 
    & [! l- I8 D2 J7 n6 R17.6 Summary 5 J3 y; i5 z, L' w( N5 E9 ?/ H
    appendix A SQL fundamentals 
    0 E0 f# U$ S1 v$ o8 lappendix B Mapping quick reference 
    " l0 h3 T1 d  U6 r6 L6 Xreferences 
    ) ]0 E8 s9 _/ i* H& b) windex1 C. |6 V1 ^8 ?% j% u

    $ s* f/ ?  u+ {2 s. H- V7 RJava资料百度网盘下载地址链接(百度云):java自学网( Hibernate实战(第2版英文版)  PDF 高清 电子书 百度云.rar【密码回帖可见】. u% Y3 [3 B4 k  m
    6 {1 G) P) J; d

    4 x7 c( r' y8 m% k
    8 |- J8 U$ q  {* O' i

    ! P8 V& |2 L$ N" c2 a" }# v: m6 \

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