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[java电子书] Java核心技术 卷Ⅱ:高级特性(第8版)(英文 PDF 电子书 百度云 网盘下载

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    发表于 2018-9-9 01:09:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    java自学网(论坛,java电子书推荐:《 Java核心技术 卷Ⅱ:高级特性(第8版)(英文版)》
    : ~# f" B5 x4 w3 S( h" gjava电子书推荐理由:作者简介: Cay S.Horstmann是Core JavaServer Faces,Second Edition一书的作者之一。Cay是San Jose州立大学计算机科学系的教授,Java的支持者,也是活跃于计算机业界会议的演讲者。
    0 B" }; F4 }6 f

    2 q4 q9 {9 R$ d. w  [作者:霍斯特曼 Horstmann C.S 科奈尔 Cornell6 t7 e$ E( q5 s+ |# X2 [
    出版社:人民邮电出版社8 q7 b( v  K# b" m
    - S2 {$ |2 E- j2 o/ g' j书籍价格:94.00元
    ( b0 R* Y. T4 M$ V  N
    $ k, A( ?$ Y; }# m8 o
    , y1 ?9 E6 m& K6 b" d
    7 E/ ?' z2 @" E$ ^9 G! q
    0 m% H: c5 P( t: B0 d4 Y  o# g" a* O
    java电子书目录:, q( O* n) @* U6 D
    * d, x6 I3 I3 M4 a9 C$ G6 y8 N/ |Streams
    # L- O5 g9 S1 g) z& ^Reading and Writing Bytes
    9 ~1 Z' c9 d) {2 W' ~, hThe Complete Stream Zoo
    7 O  S3 X: ]* N/ Z* LCombining Stream Filters( a' `0 D2 i! R' ^  e1 Y! X& Y
    Text Input and Output
    * c1 |) H1 Z, h" f( Q6 ]How to Write Text Output
    , S$ o+ t% e: ~How to Read Text Input
    : \: R' l9 F% C7 S; u  FSaving Objects in Text Format; B/ x' Q- S# i6 I" x4 R
    Character Sets
    . z. h; S: R2 x& XReading and Writing Binary Data
    ( x6 I1 n5 c; R0 N. CRandom-Access Files
    : ~7 `) `9 u" O4 ^ZIP Archives
    # |. r+ B  n% a2 G1 K5 \4 uObject Streams and Serialization0 a% f) Q. A( t: n0 \2 ?
    Understanding the Object Serialization File Format' H" y7 z6 J& D" A2 H
    Modifying the Default Serialization Mechanism6 E8 h, {  }1 {/ K: p9 u5 V4 O! A8 F
    Serializing Singletons and Typesafe Enumerations
    , t1 Y- q! W  BVersioning
    4 S7 y! W! V3 X# ^Using Serialization for Cloning
    & E+ B3 y# b+ a6 B: t/ x  D9 oFile Management
    2 B4 x, m9 Y3 U4 O& ]5 N: b7 b. mNew I/O2 ^4 M& D2 d9 b$ }2 X* \
    Memory-Mapped Files7 y4 Z7 j0 d* C( F& `$ E, c' U
    The Buffer Data Structure
    , \, `+ Z2 E( Q" Z9 C, }6 W. RFile Locking% b& h% [4 w: x7 U/ z
    Regular Expressions
    & `" U  o: |$ v/ G0 E: ]1 H
    ( F3 j$ M, z: |. |4 v2 XML
    4 s" ~) f; i) T4 W0 a6 G4 q$ kIntroducing XML
    ' _4 n( {+ e" s- BThe Structure of an XML Document
    " M' ]4 f3 u0 ~# B5 W5 {, S! ]Parsing an XML Document) Z1 d" h1 V9 [& C% @" a" e& F
    Validating XML Documents+ G2 Y& Y6 q& K9 ~
    Document Type Definitions
    " J  `5 u1 ]! S0 O8 eXML Schema9 y- y: ~" M0 Q0 k
    A Practical Example
    , A5 Z+ I: {) B! y  J1 _) Y8 ]# N+ |6 |Locating Information with XPath
    # I8 e: K2 w* w$ o$ fUsing Namespaces) H8 d) h) e9 ?$ N  O2 c) n
    Streaming Parsers
    - Y6 N$ b- u! T- B# ?  y. m& p: X% xUsing the SAX Parser
    ) t' Y9 P. A3 V7 Y! tUsing the StAX Parser  V& O: }/ Z0 l. Y+ ^+ k
    Generating XML Documents8 [# O8 w+ q  ~# B" [8 y& {2 F
    Writing an XML Document with StAX9 n6 R# ], T+ n, b
    XSL Transformations5 `1 a0 G! n; O8 ]2 ~. F
    1 h: H; C' _4 \& s! G
    6 l% {: E1 L% c: ]) o  S  X  qConnecting to a Server5 \2 T' O+ Z: Q! C# ~
    Socket Timeouts
    1 ]- K3 U. T: U+ ^* T6 rInternet Addresses
    7 W, |0 @; \5 {Implementing Servers
    ' u- M- y9 \: |+ O9 fServing Multiple Clients
    ' z' V  D- b6 M. M5 L0 N8 e3 M2 YHalf-Close( {/ n' v0 C: M# I) u6 f) B0 j  J, W
    Interruptible Sockets* s( k( O" {4 D0 x, j
    Sending E-Mail
    / G* V% {8 m% @) |Making URL Connections" I& @/ X, r. k+ k- O' i2 n+ M
    URLs and URIs- Y/ [3 x4 q6 R; @* _' a
    Using a URLConnection to Retrieve Information
    : O* p2 [$ S( W# j2 SPosting Form Data
    ; t/ I' E# g7 M( b8 V
    4 z  M6 e6 Y2 k* ?4 DATABASE PROGRAMMING
    / W& q9 q6 j5 V& iThe Design of JDBC
    ; a7 j  d- L; _5 S8 i/ ^; DJDBC Driver Types
    : A9 b# H) o9 ?0 _8 iTypical Uses of JDBC
    8 d, o$ G. ?, @# l8 e& R$ f; u3 J/ jThe Structured Query Language1 }  I" g' b& {7 Y' q, e8 |
    JDBC Configuration) v$ l/ a& F$ H2 Z! b
    Database URLs
      M" k; m. a* y7 NDriver JAR Files
    , A6 g! o6 a' `) v" kStarting the Database9 f5 H2 b% I1 V
    Registering the Driver Class
    2 q3 l& W+ B# h' x4 m4 yConnecting to the Database. A4 Q/ v1 Q4 t1 D) l) M3 P
    Executing SQL Statements; a$ @) x; l5 ]3 u# X1 c" _4 W9 _
    Managing Connections, Statements, and Result Sets/ p, w5 _" f6 H
    Analyzing SQL Exceptions* ?2 q1 Y6 E2 j+ U5 l$ I* `  X
    Populating a Database
    8 ]+ V% ]4 g5 B+ V, NQuery Execution) e8 I. I3 P( n" w9 F& L& n/ G
    Prepared Statements: B& f* X7 T" _7 }2 h/ P
    Reading and Writing LOBs
    9 |5 X7 T/ |& B: O7 G0 wSQL Escapes
    & {3 h' k# }$ }. bMultiple Results; ?) ?* g5 _8 M6 {( x
    Retrieving Autogenerated Keys
    + v9 \- m& X; m9 G) Q1 U* TScrollable and Updatable Result Sets! G  ~% w) a. e$ L. v
    Scrollable Result Sets
    8 E0 w$ r( w& p+ [  d" VUpdatable Result Sets
    9 C5 J; x' d- T$ H* ?$ g. ARow Sets
    4 V' A' I  a, j7 M% D9 x0 U1 FCached Row Sets& X3 A# @$ s# R0 g
    Metadata) A! ~, ~3 k5 l
    Transactions9 q8 ]5 i( R- \3 y5 l
    Save Points
    # C( S5 h8 K1 S+ q2 @$ KBatch Updates9 U7 ^" _" \8 j5 P5 d: `2 W) D5 O
    Advanced SQL Types" ]: s4 u* b; H' v
    Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applications# t6 s" _( r" d* o* E1 q
    Introduction to LDAP
    $ F5 @0 v9 E& ^# x5 G  s8 X' ?Configuring an LDAP Server3 y; M8 k* x4 w9 S1 ~- q
    Accessing LDAP Directory Information
    ) N$ V0 J7 W' W2 {0 _# s0 F- K
    # L6 E* N, w3 M. [, \! `# e. C5 INTERNATIONALIZATION/ E$ k- i4 i3 F0 D3 l
    5 p) f$ e7 [: P- i/ |# j/ M7 eNumber Formats
    8 G  v' w( `! z- J; v4 R  ICurrencies; ?+ Y+ u8 S9 |- O1 U
    Date and Time
    * T4 E; E; h2 ^Collation- m, h9 _& T& P1 C0 r
    Collation Strength7 D9 V. o% x  H' C5 a" K
    Decomposition) d! [/ ~; c$ ]7 h7 f/ N0 T7 G
    Message Formatting! L- j. c: O# O$ o: n- C1 r' x# M/ t3 J
    Choice Formats! V5 _2 o$ ]; t
    Text Files and Character Sets. P" \1 E- d" Z1 P; F: \9 {
    Character Encoding of Source Files
    ; ^. G7 z! j" f% e# zResource Bundles
    6 k  T- m3 U6 L2 P& G8 t- h( d& W# \Locating Resource Bundles4 E! r% g2 I+ @  e. i
    Property Files* |2 K2 i' e( s! N1 D* d" o
    Bundle Classes
    ; E  Y8 Q& i  ?! ]8 ]A Complete Example
    7 i0 E) z& p* l' q
    - \0 F) O* P1 z3 ]& q8 B& X  o6 ADVANCED SWING
    : B( a( v4 b* s' n7 QLists
    7 H( R( F, s3 ]! s  m1 A: aThe JList Component& Y. B$ F# `, P8 v
    List Models- N& x! p, E  e, E( E' Q% ]
    Inserting and Removing Values, |7 E) H# `/ r, c+ Y* F
    Rendering Values
    $ z9 G4 x1 n% [2 ~Tables
    ; S* {! l7 w2 g; m4 l5 V0 p- nA Simple Table 370 Table Models
    # y% f' G1 W3 I9 S" V' o" KWorking with Rows and Columns# Q4 ^) a+ B3 d. V- P4 @) [. A
    Cell Rendering and Editing
    8 y. F5 o6 W/ K: hTrees 405 Simple Trees' U, a1 S0 M; v1 Y+ Z, ?
    Node Enumeration6 m0 u# q2 T* d& `5 N
    Rendering Nodes
    - P) C& x+ C; h) ?7 e) UListening to Tree Events  e& e: i1 P" G5 Q  }3 v
    Custom Tree Models! |; w% |3 S/ A
    Text Components
    1 O) U7 T5 s/ z) o4 eChange Tracking in Text Components  z* I' n- y! J! ]$ i" R5 M
    Formatted Input Fields" ^( R7 l1 f* l& I# M$ f  K
    The JSpinner Component  \5 K/ o3 h: e% i, Z
    Displaying HTML with the JEditorPane3 D1 O) \4 \& x. _
    Progress Indicators
    & O5 X/ l( [6 P" O- `1 s, WProgress Bars/ j) }" C  J" C
    Progress Monitors% e% w% m. Q: S
    Monitoring the Progress of Input Streams+ D- \  w2 a+ ^5 f
    Component Organizers
    : A5 D" |, L6 K5 ISplit Panes0 W0 ^  Z8 d2 \1 w- Y7 S, h
    Tabbed Panes
    $ l) [2 ^" i  ?& kDesktop Panes and Internal Frames0 }- L& n* e; z* I5 x3 }* t+ H
    Cascading and Tiling
    & X, z( ~/ y, d) E& G. q: B" HVetoing Property Settings) J% {1 r7 s7 C+ {" ^, i! y
    4 M0 B* K! O* m9 @0 ~. y; x
    9 L% y9 g, ^: \' \/ |The Rendering Pipeline& J* T$ R/ r! o1 l# D
    Shapes  P( X: g! Q) y  }2 p# U: }* p
    Using the Shape Classes
    2 x( t$ o4 a8 ~: O2 jAreas
    4 |2 J' k" L4 z! O% _3 WStrokes/ J# w7 y& z  a+ W% x2 Y
    / f/ O4 O3 X8 p5 z; U% C& W( SCoordinate Transformations: ?" G% y* A' z( B0 e  n5 A
    2 _& G& i2 r4 L6 z0 S" ITransparency and Composition
    + `1 }$ U" n, B) i/ X4 r" j& K+ A$ IRendering Hints
    * R9 i/ j* K' _+ s; XReaders and Writers for Images' ?6 {, v/ f. B' p! M+ e
    Obtaining Readers and Writers for Image File Types
    . |! M2 P) A8 G. c' z2 j4 ^Reading and Writing Files with Multiple Images) h+ R3 W  C3 c/ R7 x
    Image Manipulation$ f4 G) O, ~) p. d& P* G- D. T" ?& l/ b2 R
    Constructing Raster Images5 I9 Q/ C8 j* x% x& P
    Filtering Images
    ) \6 G) ~9 I+ ^3 v* C" RPrinting
    $ C/ H1 Z6 d& P" d3 q+ i) UGraphics Printing
    , h: e2 \4 I5 ]2 \Multiple-Page Printing
    ; R( V- K9 h" R" O: `' \Print Preview
    3 v1 R; L$ J) {& f! w7 G& z' UPrint Services
    5 K( }' Z5 Q/ }Stream Print Services" A) n) L2 C1 S
    Printing Attributes
    9 C* @! y( a0 ~: mThe Clipboard
    / F4 L9 ?8 a+ p; K. ~Classes and Interfaces for Data Transfer5 r& e# s& t# b, |" u4 V
    Transferring Text8 _+ h$ N- ?$ u  H: [" T4 |3 E
    The Transferable Interface and Data Flavors
    ; H' z, w1 V9 A8 SBuilding an Image Transferable
    3 h: V4 M6 B2 {6 D. A% F& [Transferring Java Objects via the System Clipboard
    ) u3 z  n4 v6 @! O0 o/ UUsing a Local Clipboard to Transfer Object References6 F4 O0 }4 T# u# Z) x! i7 N- L
    Drag and Drop; O( u1 p& I3 B- p& k# J! c' G
    Data Transfer Support in Swing
    9 Y; d" h; U9 ?6 q. xDrag Sources  L- k8 J" S9 p( A
    Drop Targets
    5 m) S. m# C; Q! sPlatform Integration  I, z* G0 |* x' E9 O7 \8 i
    Splash Screens
    * x+ H6 Z! M/ c: S# {7 d9 VLaunching Desktop Applications
    , l9 w6 z5 q$ C' |The System Tray" y$ O* b. y. P1 V
      o/ ?! b* J% ?
    8 JAVABEANS COMPONENTS% j0 o4 m5 W+ r& X( r
    Why Beans?
    1 U+ ?1 I; a' |9 M  Q. mThe Bean-Writing Process
    / _$ R" X1 U7 H, t  |Using Beans to Build an Application
    ) i0 `7 b- T* z/ s, ePackaging Beans in JAR Files& G" d6 f3 H3 P4 t8 |+ ~
    Composing Beans in a Builder Environment
    6 M) f- k3 [4 X! k. XNaming Patterns for Bean Properties and Events# @2 O' M* c) p7 r7 ^0 p. @) [
    Bean Property Types/ m; N$ M9 ], m9 O( m% c. u
    Simple Properties* }- U% ]6 X; U: o! C" d0 b
    Indexed Properties
      C& [# q. b5 k( \# D- ?# mBound Properties
    $ s( z7 I( g8 B, ^- ?1 j+ UConstrained Properties
    2 |0 [! l8 k' y5 A" UBeanInfo Classes: U- a; u, V- {
    Property Editors. h, n& o7 _8 V. @1 j- [
    Writing Property Editors( q# [# c- m, d3 q4 B$ n
    Customizers3 I; d# P- N) E  k, U( ?# d
    Writing a Customizer Class- a6 B! U7 c- K7 L: Q
    JavaBeans Persistence
    " S" E0 h+ ^# ~# F% ]: RUsing JavaBeans Persistence for Arbitrary Data1 }6 @5 {! j$ l# O  Y
    A Complete Example for JavaBeans Persistence
    ; c5 g& ?" V6 n% K5 I
    " U4 a/ i2 B! U4 k9 SECURITY
    . ?2 q9 Y5 T+ j  vClass Loaders
      B3 @3 ^1 X- M/ w, l0 \5 XThe Class Loader Hierarchy  O5 L. H9 C4 c4 x9 _0 F0 b* W
    Using Class Loaders as Namespaces
    ) C& @, X( d, H$ MWriting Your Own Class Loader8 m/ v* f+ i- \: t
    Bytecode Verification
    : C" s/ c( U! a! G. p* nSecurity Managers and Permissions
    2 M; k- J: [5 q/ P) L2 b1 lJava Platform Security
    5 n& j" s1 f, j  m3 j1 {" x% xSecurity Policy Files' \" |! I- U8 U  H; d& e& T% a
    Custom Permissions
    " ~9 g6 X2 ~/ ~6 R% qImplementation of a Permission Class/ e6 `4 G6 b- s; i0 S! a6 I2 k
    User Authentication5 v9 p# x8 B. T" n, T
    JAAS Login Modules" O6 z9 ^% ?! Q0 F
    Digital Signatures( D3 c; c# h2 ^* H
    Message Digests
    + j5 n3 i# \) x1 c  v% }Message Signing
    4 Y$ X) C3 O( dThe X.
    " o( _5 Z$ q# S+ {Certificate Format
    : K5 D% a1 A4 U+ ]Verifying a Signature, A1 j# j: ^. E3 G! i
    The Authentication Problem' h" @5 y; T- U8 `2 i
    Certificate Signing
      i2 q, Q6 g* J$ f4 b% UCertificate Requests) i. `, `, n, i6 C* W
    Code Signing
    3 e$ [' N" g2 PJAR File Signing
    : P8 g" l4 P5 v3 TSoftware Developer Certificates
    ( G. m; D8 c/ C5 m( _$ e& UEncryption, D: Y, g1 h% ]  a) W( f2 c
    Symmetric Ciphers; l7 {* C9 o. O* T
    Key Generation0 ^( `; o/ o' v- Y* p* j4 C+ h
    Cipher Streams/ r$ B/ G$ x' N; q- m7 ]- B
    Public Key Ciphers
    - p1 [9 o* ]/ g5 e& B
    . o7 F9 n1 [9 e1 E2 b+ N10 DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS( [- m8 g$ {0 X
    The Roles of Client and Server
    3 P: o" ~9 ^. JRemote Method Calls3 c( s! i* b3 w2 T. {
    Stubs and Parameter Marshalling: ?- J% a. a6 f, c
    The RMI Programming Model
    . \! ?8 `6 g& c7 _0 WInterfaces and Implementations6 t: h9 f# f( f; N5 M
    The RMI Registry6 H5 F& v& ?- L  Y( O8 Q) J
    Deploying the Program5 |' p( Q" D$ V$ i
    Logging RMI Activity4 v3 T) {+ r4 ?6 z, v
    Parameters and Return Values in Remote Methods
    + k, P; w/ Q; t2 t* b5 RTransferring Remote Objects: l2 m) `# V7 d% z
    Transferring Nonremote Objects5 z! k1 P( l! t; E( _6 q' e! ^
    Dynamic Class Loading
    $ z7 @6 O' g9 K) n( Y. D; m' CRemote References with Multiple Interfaces
    - z! Y, Q2 Z; @8 K1 C6 A2 A5 r+ VRemote Objects and the equals, hashCode, and clone Methods
    , d* w; X3 y# M; H/ z& vRemote Object Activation
    / R6 B" j" t6 c1 o% |7 K1 oWeb Services and JAX-WS* I" M; |, |7 |: D1 a" l* G" D
    Using JAX-WS! D2 ?  Z% ?% o0 z6 H
    A Web Service Client3 B' R: O% c7 n8 v3 z3 @
    The Amazon E-Commerce Service% J5 X8 ~6 n! x# v* R
    9 V4 D: O9 S3 K! c! b3 A
    Scripting for the Java Platform6 f. R& m* v* z* W1 x6 u1 i
    Getting a Scripting Engine
    6 R8 M! R/ l$ V: r5 Q4 ^% @Script Evaluation and Bindings
    & e/ b4 y2 _" m# RRedirecting Input and Output' I" U1 F: {& g: `' K! N" @2 u
    Calling Scripting Functions and Methods% Z/ ^4 [+ L$ m4 J: s- ]
    Compiling a Script, k7 B# R( M* G* E* n+ h
    An Example: Scripting GUI Events
    8 q" P' f) ^3 e3 [* F+ r6 rThe Compiler API
    ( s9 l, P. w1 ~% W( t& y: zCompiling the Easy Way+ N6 u$ x( l+ N. o4 ?0 \4 v$ j/ `( j
    Using Compilation Tasks
    5 J- x# d) r) a* X+ x: i, wAn Example: Dynamic Java Code Generation. }# |$ a7 q/ v- T4 M
    Using Annotations8 Q: Y" W" \8 P( q/ [" p5 b$ s
    An Example: Annotating Event Handlers- ^. o2 i6 u- F0 Y* D, @% o
    Annotation Syntax
    ) F2 K( b0 D6 T, z0 mStandard Annotations
    . \6 f; l+ y3 J/ D- uAnnotations for Compilation7 c/ I2 o- r' f! W  H1 a$ b
    Annotations for Managing Resources0 P+ ?* @: R& y7 Q; L0 E% i
    Meta-Annotations" H; n* K% s+ Z3 Q
    Source-Level Annotation Processing
    . ]! l# Z# g$ T  M# YBytecode Engineering
    6 I2 z; G! w2 o" o2 @Modifying Bytecodes at Load Time
    1 j1 O) {* p5 b; c6 ?. W; n4 `( e' w2 e# \; c" }$ c0 T5 a+ `
    2 S6 }# V$ z* H- ^0 }: |Calling a C Function from a Java Program
    - y7 }9 F5 O: V8 {' FNumeric Parameters and Return Values
    / N" c# O2 V4 Q! T% `6 lUsing printf for Formatting Numbers
    / o2 U) G3 J9 r; EString Parameters& q+ w! i( h+ b$ k
    Accessing Fields5 ?3 {* |- ?3 m! J. Q
    Accessing Instance Fields) @* A, a) D0 g
    Accessing Static Fields+ q. j% q) L/ J
    Encoding Signatures
    : A( P% y5 T, J. [1 x5 oCalling Java Methods1 I# y) u! G/ D2 i& j4 y( @6 A. y- v
    Instance Methods
    1 D2 y9 g- G: s# V; N9 UStatic Methods, l; r$ U6 s% F4 B
    : S9 K$ i% E! }Alternative Method Invocations
    : W5 T% c/ j" ZAccessing Array Elements
    . g5 N, u! F* _4 A1 G1 n$ y6 yHandling Errors" n/ K* \' `/ q, H" z  k* G7 @+ [# Z
    Using the Invocation API
    6 H/ p! E! Q; [A Complete Example: Accessing the Windows Registry
    / U$ l9 V; \7 c, VOverview of the Windows Registry" s( o8 d5 o; B3 \. P
    A Java Platform Interface for Accessing the Registry. n6 P8 x+ ^! v! l# o) y
    Implementation of Registry Access Functions as Native Methods
    " G7 N, g- `2 v# n+ b+ r( z- q( \$ j
    Java资料百度网盘下载地址链接(百度云):java自学网( Java核心技术 卷Ⅱ:高级特性(第8版)(英文版)  PDF 高清 电子书 百度云.rar【密码回帖可见】8 P0 W2 Z8 T7 V- _, u

    4 H# O7 U1 D+ H) c3 A1 ~( \; h" U4 R, ]: q7 k! f$ S6 n
    - l+ K. i2 Y/ h' z4 {
    4 ~- A& Z9 \% W& O; v

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    发表于 2020-4-8 23:41:21 | 显示全部楼层
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